May flowers at the Rough and Ready Botanical Wayside/flat

Giant Camas/ (Camassia quamash)
Tolmie's Pussy Ears/ (Calochortus tolmiei)
Spreading or Yosemite Rockcress? or possibly alpine cryptantha: wallwa cryptantha/
Small-flowered Prairie Star (Lithophragma parviflora)
red clover/trifolium pratense
siskiyou iris / (iris bracteata)
azure penstemon/ (penstemon azureus)
moth mullein/ (verbascum blattaria)
two-eyed violet/ (viola ocellata)

cushion buckwheat/ (eriogonum caespitosum)

oregon sunshine/ (eriophyllum lanatum)
rough wallflower / (erysimum asperum)
carrot-leaved horkelia/ (horkelia daucifolia)

large-fruited lomatium/ (lomatium macrocarpum)

naked broomrape/ (orobanche uniflora)
purple & white chinese houses/ (collinsia heterophylia)


March Wildflowers slideshow

April Flowers slideshow

June Wildflowers Slideshow

Rough and Ready Flat Botanical Wayside stormy days

Rough and Ready Botanical Flat with winter dressings

Rough and Ready Flat Botanical Wayside trail

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All photographs and web design by Kay Ekwall ©2009-2014 and may be used by permission only